Betty’s Books

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® was published in 1979 and since then has remained the preeminent book on its subject, used as a standard text in many art schools around the world and on the shelves of artists everywhere.  Four million copies have been sold, and it has been translated into many foreign languages.   Betty Edwards is the author of:

  • Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain®, 1979 (revised and reprinted in 1989, 1999, and 2012), Penguin Putnam

  • Drawing on the Artist Within, 1986, Simon & Schuster

  • Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® Workbook, 1998 (revised and reprinted in 2012), Penguin Putnam

  • Color. A course in mastering the art of mixing colors, 2004, Penguin Putnam

  • Drawing on the Dominant Eye, 2020, Penguin Random House

Drawing on the Dominant Eye

Betty’s most recent book, Drawing on the Dominant Eye, was published in 2020 (hardbound) and 2021 (softbound); you can find it online at Penguin Random House and Amazon. Take a look at Betty Edwards' Amazon Author Page for full listings. She supports Independent Bookstores, so please try to purchase your copy from your local bookseller!

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® and other Betty Edwards books have been translated into 24 languages and are available around the world: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (Complex Characters), Chinese (Simplified Characters), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Turkish!