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FREE LECTURE: Intro to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

  • Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (map)

Instructor, Brian Bomeisler, son of the author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Dr Betty Edwards, is offering a free Q&A lecture on the general content of our intensive 5-day workshop. Learn what the course entails and get a taste for it with a quick drawing exercise that is used during the workshop.

Wednesday April 12, 12-1:30pm PST

RSVP below with an email to Brian to receive the Zoom link which will be sent out shortly before the lecture.

Questions? Email

We ask the students to complete a self portrait before our workshop (drawings on the left) and then on the final day of the course (drawing on the right).

Here are a few of our Online Workshop students’ progress!

Earlier Event: March 27
5 Day Intensive Drawing Workshop
Later Event: April 15
One Day Landscape Workshop